Daphne Hicks has been married to her loving, supportive husband, Joseph, for 36 years. She is an active member of St. Peter Claver St./Pius V Catholic Church serving on the dance, Stepping for Jesus Step Team, and wellness ministries.
Her gifts are many; but, among her favorites are writing, dancing, teaching, rollerskating and serving. Some of her hobbies include inspirational reading, music, meditation, and teaching. Daphne has enjoyed a very rewarding 39-year career with the City of Baltimore. In doing so, she has worked for many programs and served in various capacities. Currently, she serves with the Baltimore City Health Department as the Director of Administration for the Bureau of Maternal and Child Health.
Daphne earned a Bachelor of Science degree in management science from Coppin State College and a Master’s degree from Coppin State and the University of Baltimore in Human Services Administration and graduated with a 4.0 GPA. Daphne is proud to say she is the first college graduate in her family and is now a doctoral candidate at Walden University studying Human Services (Leadership and Program Evaluation). Speaking of first, she was also the first female and, thus far, the youngest President of the Panway Neighborhood Improvement Association, consisting of 600 members. In addition, has several certifications including primary aerobics, Pilates, and Restorative yoga, and is a certified life wellness coach. She also holds three Zumba licenses (Basic, Toning, and Gold), and is a professional dancer specializing in line dance. She is also a self-taught dance minister and liturgical dance instructor for the Sister's Academy of Baltimore.
At the age of 16, Daphne helped to form a committee to advocate for nursing home residents and served in this capacity for 24 years. In this role, she sought to protect the rights and advocate for quality care of the nursing home residents, as well as provide support for family members. For the past 10 years, in collaboration with the Calvary Baptist Church Missionary Outreach Ministry, Daphne has used her gift of dance to minister to nursing home residents and for many churches and organizations. Given Daphne's traumatic experiences, she learned early in life that dance has been very therapeutic and has helped in her process of healing.
Daphne’s interest in nursing home residents came as a result of her mother being institutionalized for 31 years following a tragic car accident when she was only 30. Daphne will always be so grateful for the experience and joy of caring for her mother, whom she named Princess. Although unable to do anything for herself and requiring total care, Princess’ spirit remained incredible and was a testament to God’s grace. Daphne is so grateful to be blessed with that same spirit. As a result of the accident, Princess suffered brain trauma and was paralyzed. Princess’ inability to care for herself and her immobility has greatly influenced Daphne’s motto, “No Excuses; Just Move."
Daphne has had many experiences, both professionally and in support of the community to motivate individuals to get moving and become healthier, or simply to serve. Click here for some examples. Further in 2016, for all of Daphne's volunteer service, both in the community, with Baltimore City Health Department and Recreation and Parks, she was the recipient of the Maryland State Physical Fitness Excellence Award. Even further, for her work with the St. Peter Claver and St. Pius V Catholic Church's health and wellness ministry, in 2019, she received the prestigious Mother Lange Leadership Award from the Archdiocese. Daphne often finds herself amazed at the many gifts for which God has blessed her and is ever so grateful to share them with so many.